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Billie Eilish Crushes the World With Her Newest Album [REVIEW]

Image courtesy of Page Six

Following her successful “What Was I Made For” era, fans eagerly awaited Billie Eilish’s next steps in her musical career. After winning a Grammy and an Academy Award and stunning red carpets in perfect Billie fashion, the nine-time Grammy winner announced her new album, “HIT ME HARD AND SOFT,” for release May 17.  

Only hearing snippets leading up to release day, the vibe of the album was already being foreshadowed. Gay and catchy club music accompanying psychedelic, room-surrounding music that blends into a seamless, 10 song album. I physically had to pick up my jaw and peel it off the floor, so yeah.  

‘HIT ME HARD AND SOFT’ With These Devastating Harmonies [SKINNY]

The opening song of her album utilizes the sounds of Billie that we all know and love; her falsetto, a mellow, sad tune and depressing, relatable lyrics. She brings to light the toxic relationship between her body and the world, how it caused her to lose sight of the real her. 

“People say I look happy just because I got skinny. But the old me is still me and maybe the real me, and I think she’s pretty.” 

This haunting line resides in the chorus, hitting me three separate times and shattering my heart with the harmonies that follow. Several beautifully executed riffs later, I can only imagine how writing this song must have healed pieces of the little Billie who was hurt by the internet’s brutality. I have always admired how vulnerable she is with her music, and “Skinny” is no different.   

‘HIT ME HARD AND SOFT’ Because I Need to Stop Staring at Billie [LUNCH]

I didn’t know I needed a new summer anthem, but oh was I wrong. There has yet to be a day where the lines “I could eat that girl for lunch” and “It’s a craving not a crush” have not taken residence in my brain. The poppy song plays with Billie’s newfound sexuality, giving you a glimpse of her love and lust for women. The provocative lyrics leave nothing to the imagination, nor does the music video as she devours an apple and carefully takes a cherry off its stem while staring into the camera. This song is perfect in a way that there needs to be a new word to describe how this makes me feel. She may have finally succeeded in bringing straight men and lesbians together in their love for women and a catchy song. 

‘HIT ME HARD AND SOFT,’ I Need to Come Back Down to Earth [CHIHIRO]

“Open up the door, can you open up the door,” was the only melody on my TikTok in the days leading up to the release of the album. And boy was I in for a surprise at how this song would cause me to ascend into space each time I listened to it. The steady beat of the song dissipates as an ethereal, spacey one replaces it, featuring a scream from Billie that never ceases to give me chills. As for the meaning behind the abstract lyrics throughout the song, Eilish has yet to confirm any theories; however, fans have discovered endless similarities to the famous Studio Ghibli movie, “Spirited Away.” Billie has shared her love for this haunting story in previous interviews, thanking it for the artistic direction of her 2019 album, “WHEN WE FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO?” I recently watched this movie for the first time and I am loving the connections she places throughout the song. 

‘HIT ME HARD AND SOFT,’ Do I Hear the Kahoot Theme Song? [THE DINER]

A circus giving slay, count me in. This song maintains a steady, upbeat melody through its entirety, making it a reliable choice for background music or a dance party. And if you think the jingle sounds familiar, take yourself back to your best days in high school, competitively playing Kahoot for a chance to win a tootsie roll. The eerie lyrics caught fans’ attention, turning into speculations of the lyrics being written from a stalker’s perspective, more specifically, Billie’s own experience with one. 

“I’m waitin’ on your block but please don’t call the cops, they’ll make me stop and I just wanna talk.” 

The lyrics may be scary on this song, but the beat takes over me and I couldn’t care less about the topic, I only want to attend this Kahoot-themed circus.    


Did somebody say “a flawless transition?” Because Billie understood the assignment. This is not only the second transition on the album, but one that other artists should take note of. The melody of “Bittersuite” fades into that of “Blue” for the last 30 seconds of the song, giving a seamless switch to the actual track titled “Blue.” The last song on the album stands to be one of my favorites, and one of the reasons is that it provides three different sounds. And it’s FIVE MINUTES LONG. I’m going to need the second half of this song played during the next villain-arc storyline. The perfect last song to bring all the sounds, feelings and energy from the album together. 

“Hit Me Hard and Soft” will easily be my album of the summer and may actually be my hyperfixation for the rest of my life. Whether you are seeking an upbeat, hype song or a floaty, haunting song, this album has just the music for you.

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Madi Oswalt, Social Media Manager

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