Hello Em


Colby Lane

Here is the front sign outside on S Weller St Hello Em partnered with Friends of Little Saigon

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  • Amazing way to keep guests entertained while waiting for their coffee pastries!

  • Baristas are working extra hard to make sure all coffee orders are being given efficiently!

  • Bustling crowd near the closing time to show how popular this new coffee spot is!

  • Co-owner, Nghia Bui, works in FOH and describes his experience with opening a business during a pandemic_ He says there have been many setbacks with opening this place during a pandemic

  • Coffee Grinder displayed in the middle of the cafe for everyone to see!

  • Hello Em Viêt Coffee only uses to-go cups now in light of the pandemic so guests can be responsible for their own drinks

  • Here is the front sign outside on S Weller St Hello Em partnered with Friends of Little Saigon

  • History of Friends of Little Saigon, a non-profit organization meant to preserve the Vietnamese culture

  • Intricate Bicycle Chandelier inside Hello Em

  • Sign right at the entrance of cafe only guests ordering are allowed inside, everyone else waits in line outside

  • Small business enforces 6 ft social distancing to ensure safety of all guests

  • One of the most popular coffee drinks at Hello Em Viêt Coffee

  • Viêt Coffee Beans that make the coffee shop a reality!

  • Beautifully customized espresso machine

  • Very popular Banh-mi nini Sandwich pressed banh-mi. This one is filled with tofu and vegetables a great vegetarian friendly option

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