A Letter from the (Former) Editor
Stepping into the position of Editor-in-Chief, I really had no idea what was in store for me. What I did know is that I had the best editorial board by my side and a whole lot of stories to cover. Stepping down was a tough decision, but one I think is the right choice for myself and for The Spectator.
Alec, I’m excited to see you take The Spectator to places it’s never been before. I’ve always seen you as a mini-me and am still baffled that the Editor-in-Chief has previously been the Sports Editor the past two years in a row. I know that the paper is in good hands.
Frances, thanks for being the best co-chief. You were always my number two and I’m glad I had you by my side through everything. I know you’ll be a good fit for news and I’m so excited to see you step into this new role.
Sophia, you excelled at News Editor. It’s one of the hardest positions and I was so glad that I could trust you fully. Your ideas, your enthusiasm, and your sense of humor made every meeting and layout night so much more fun. I know you’ll make a great Managing Editor next year.
Josh, I am so excited you’re taking over the position of investigative editor. You have a good eye for news stories and are such a good writer that I know you’ll produce some of the best stories next year.
Elise, I cannot thank you enough for taking on the unexpected role of A&E Editor. There’s no one else I would’ve trusted with the position and I am so glad that you are as good of an editor as you are a photographer.
Nicole, thank you for being my best friend this year. I’m so glad you got involved in The Spectator and learned to love it maybeeee as much as I did. You’ll be a great fit for Sports Editor.
Myrea, you were one of our most consistent writers this year and I’m glad you wanted to join the editorial board. You’ll fit in just fine and I am excited to see you get along with this crazy staff we have.
This year has been crazy, stressful, and fun. I could have never done it without everyone by my side and I look forward to many more sleepless nights next year. It’s not a goodbye—I’ll still be on the board—but it’s a big change. Every layout night there’s been a memory. Every meeting there’s been laughter. And every Wednesday there’s been a great paper.
— Michelle Newblom, Editor-in-Chief, 2018-2019