My roommate and their partner kick me out of our room all the time to have some “alone time”, if you know what I mean. I have had to sleep in the lobby of my residence hall multiple times, what should I do?
Hello my sleepy friend,
Wow that’s super annoying, I am so sorry to hear that. I don’t want to stop your roommate from having their “alone time”, but one thing that I suggest is to set up times of the day that you will be out of the room so that they can have their alone time without disturbing your sleep schedule. My other suggestion is to pretend you are asleep before they get in the room! If that doesn’t work, you have one weird roommate and you should probably say something to your RA…
Your friend,
Papa Jon
Dear Papa Jon,
Do you have any study tips for me?
Study Bug
Hello worker bee,
I suggest laminating your notes so your tears can roll off of them… it has always worked for me 🙂
Currently sobbing,
Papa Jon
Dear Papa Jon,
IÂ have a dog currently living in my room and my RA knocked on the door because she heard him growling. If she comes up to me and asks about the noise, what should I say?
Hello fellow animal lover,
I think you should say that the noises from your room are caused by your roommates. Say that they think they were a dog in another life and continue to bark and growl in their sleep. Then pay your roommate to go along with it in Starbucks or other goodies of their choice.
What we do for pets,
Papa Jon
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