For the love of God, where did all the pesto chicken croissant sandwiches go? The editorial board was horrified to discover that the sandwich had been removed from Bon Appetit’s menu this quarter and, as we head into the month of May, we find its absence deeply disturbing. Our diets have been disrupted, our pesto cravings unheeded and our meal plans rendered worthless now that our single favorite to-go meal has been taken off the menu. The pesto chicken croissant sandwich
was one of the most widely beloved items to grace Seattle University since the frosted pumpkin cookie—which, we would like to note, was also discontinued and replaced by an inferior version in 2012—and we are astounded that Bon App would choose to remove it from the school’s cases. The fact that the tuna croissant—ugly younger sibling to the pesto chicken croissant—is still on the shelves is rubbing salt in the wound. The tuna croissant, and tuna in general, is an abomination; we can think of no justifiable reason why anyone—pescatarians excluded—would ever choose to eat the tuna croissant over its dearly deceased poultry brethren. Last quarter’s cases should be evidence enough of the student body’s feelings toward the chicken pesto croissant sandwich—while the tuna croissant was almost always in full supply, the chicken croissants would be gone by 3 p.m. almost daily. Look, we love Bon App, and we are in full support of chefs exercising artistic freedom and changing up their menus, but art should never trump demand where food is concerned—the demand for pesto chicken croissant sandwiches remains high, but Bon App is not delivering. The sandwich’s removal is a disgrace to the culinary art. We beg you, Bon App—please bring back the pesto chicken croissant sandwich. This injustice cannot stand any longer.