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Seattle University's student newspaper since 1933

The Spectator

Seattle University's student newspaper since 1933

The Spectator

Seattle University's student newspaper since 1933

The Spectator

Working at The Spectator


The full staff meets every Monday night at 7:00 p.m. in The Spectator office, which is located in the basement of Campion Hall next to The Cave. At this time, section editors assign their weekly stories to our writers, photographers and volunteers.

Apply for a Paid Position

Editors, writers, photographers and designers at The Spectator are paid on a quarterly basis and new paid staffers are hired throughout the year as needed.

Writers: Email a resume, cover letter and two writing samples—preferably journalistic in style—to

Photographers and designers: Email a resume, cover letter and portfolio to

Students applying to be staff writers and photographers are required to volunteer as part of the application process. Students interested in contributing to The Spectator are encouraged to attend a staff meeting and volunteer for a pitched story at that time.

Volunteer For Us

Volunteer photographers and writers are always invited to attend our weekly staff meetings. Our meetings are open to the community and there are many volunteer opportunities available. Please do not hesitate to join us on Monday nights; we love to see new faces at our meetings and hear fresh voices in our paper.

Get Involved

Write Us a Letter to the Editor:

Our Opinion section belongs to the Seattle University community and it should be filled with campus voices. Students who want their voices to be heard should send a letter to

Pitch Stories You Want to Read:

Although we aim to be the eyes and ears of Seattle University, we can’t do that without help from the community. If students feel a compelling story has been left unwritten, please send your thoughts to and