Organizations Engage Students at Fall Involvement Fair

Jordie Simpson

Groups of Seattle University students walking through the 2022 Involvement Fair in the SU quad.

The Center for Student Involvement (CSI) hosted the annual Fall Involvement Fair last week in Seattle University’s quad. The event aimed to provide students the opportunity to learn about organizations and resources available on campus. American Sign Language Club, Seattle U Drumline, Hidaka Taiko and the United Filipino Club put on special performances during the lively event. While not all of the nearly 100 clubs on campus made an appearance, students were able to observe first hand some of the most interesting opportunities that Seattle U has to offer.

One of these organizations, Circle K International (CKI), focuses on connecting motivated students with volunteer opportunities.

“I think the best part about clubs is that it really helps you meet new people and take breaks. Most of the time they’re meaningful and can provide value in your life and other people’s lives. I think that’s a great thing to have outside of academics as a young adult trying to learn independence and what you want to do with your life,” CKI Marketing Chair and Second-year English Literature major Brandon Teola said. 

Clubs active in arts, sports, volunteer opportunities, bonding through shared identities and professional opportunities all attended the event.

Professionals without borders club members holding a sign describing past projects in Belize. (Jordie Simpson)

Women in Business (WIB) is geared toward women looking for an opportunity to become familiar with the unique professional environment of the business sector. It also provides networking opportunities which can further the career opportunities of female students. Their main focus is the empowerment of women in a professional setting, and the club welcomes anyone passionate about their mission. 

“You get to know a lot of people and make connections both professionally and personally. In club events, we have a lot of guest speakers that come in and connect you to a professional business environment which is very helpful for whatever major you are in,” WIB Director of Membership Maia Collazo, a second-year marketing major, said. 

D1 Improv is a campus organization working to foster community and comedy. Though the club is a theatrical group of about 15 students, not all members are theater majors. The improv club welcomes all students to audition for a spot. Members meet several times a week and put on multiple shows every year.  

“It’s fun because you get to act and you get to express yourself, but it’s not a super scripted structure so you get to really joke around and get to know the humor senses of everyone in improv with you. I think it also gave me a great outlet in that if I knew I had a busy week then I would have X amount of hours set aside to see people I care about,” Financial Officer Cooper Cieslicki, a third-year environmental studies major, said.

Those who missed the opportunity to attend the fair or are eager to learn more about clubs that didn’t make an appearance can visit CSI for further information. Involvement can be a valuable component of the college experience and student-run clubs aim to provide a way of creating more community activities for students. Whether students utilize those resources to benefit the wider Seattle U community is ultimately up to them.