As a freshman, The Cave is a symbol of convenience, the small market in the basement of the Campion Hall is a fantastic way to escape hunger while enduring long hours of study. It doesn’t really interrupt my flow of work and getting to The Cave from my dorm is an excellent “getting my head out of my work for a little bit” activity. Going to the cave has become an activity among the people in my floor, someone will regularly knock on my door and ask: “Is anyone trying to go to the cave?” and I usually go for the kick of it, even if I don’t need anything. But, in my mind, The Cave has much more potential to really create better social environments for the residents of the Campion Residence Hall.
Not too long ago the Whole Foods Market opened on Broadway, just a short walk campus. Several people from my floor went to check it out. During this visit, we agreed that we would each buy something to contribute to a floor gathering with food and music. Our little get-together was one of the best experiences I’ve had thus far in college. There was amazing food: some strange, but delicious Canadian chicken with maple syrup, Ecuadorian yellow-fin tuna steak, Hawaiian steak, stir-fry, the list goes on, but my stomach is starting to growl so I’ll just stop myself. And if you might have noticed, it’s hard to cook a good meal with frozen Hot Pockets.
as the only ingredients available at The Cave.
This gathering contributed greatly to our floors spirit and united us more than any event the Resident Assistants tried putting together (no disrespect). Now, going back to the basement market in Campion Hall, selling more fresh produce in The Cave in small quantities would massively improve, not only the health of residents but also can unify them and contribute to building floor community.
My friends and I could always go back to Whole Foods and spend money out of our own pockets, but if The Cave were to offer a wider selection of produce, it would allow students to use their meal plan money to enrich their cooking skills, learn about diverse cooking methods from around the country and world, and put on amazing events like ours that help residents become closer and more collaborative with each other.
— Joshua Scoggin, Volunteer Writer