Carlos is the better Uncle you never had.
My major is all women. How do I find men to date?
Hmm try not hanging out with people in your major? It might be difficult if that’s all you’re used to, branch out! You might make more friends along the way even if you don’t find someone to date.
How do I get my fill of dogs this quarter?
Visit the Union Green! There are already so many dogs hanging out over there. It’s a great way to make new dog friends (if you have trouble making human friends) and you can also take pictures of them to put on the Dogspotting page!
Are chubbies a good idea? Is this the best way to show off my legs?
Showing off your legs is great and all but I definitely don’t think chubbies are the way to go. Personally I’m not a big fan of them so I may not be the right person to ask, but if your friends are into them and you’re just trying to do you, go for it!
XOXO Uncle Carlos
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