The Spectator was one of 34 teams at SU Park last Saturday for Seattle University’s 2015 Relay for Life. The 16 hours we spent on the turf were filled with beautiful weather, amusing activities—including a lip-syncing battle, which the Spectator regretfully chickened out of—and enthusiastic participants walking laps even during the most unforgiving hours of the night.
We spent our time there dutifully taking turns walking, but also enjoyed conversing with other relayers, stargazing and watching movies in the middle of the night. Thanks to donations from friends and family we were able to raise about $600 for the American Cancer Society.
While Relay for Life was certainly a joyous occasion, marked by smiles, feelings of accomplishment, and support for everyone on the field, it was important for us to remember why we were there: Each one of us was there to honor someone close to us who had been affected by cancer. During the event we also listened to students at Seattle U share their stories. Some have had personal battles with the disease, some of them have lost their friends, and others are at an almost 100 percent risk of having cancer later in life.
These stories were both heartbreaking and sobering. It reminded us why we relay and how important it is to fight back against the disease in our own way—whether that be through participating in Relay or offering support elsewhere.
While I am very proud of our community for raising over $31,000 for the American Cancer Society, I know that the fight is just beginning. We will not stop until no more lives are lost to cancer. And I know that the Seattle U community can continuously reach, or even beat, fundraising goals in years to come.
—Melissa Lin, News Editor