Summer is coming, and some students are staying. Our writers visited classes the fitness center will be offering this summer to help maximize your summer sporting experience. Have a gander at your future fitness plans.
Flow Yoga
Darlene Graham
Roll up on a Friday morning, my body is crying to crawl back into bed and I’m irritable. Yoga Flow instructor Claire G. is a ray of sunshine as the class radiates angry, but mindful vibes.
It’s 7:15 on a Friday morning and I might as well be a dead woman.
At this ungodly hour, the last thing I would describe myself as is “centered.” My body begrudgingly obeys as I abuse it yet another day, my mind already swirling with the many tasks that need to be done today, and as for the soul…I certainly do not feel it at this hour.
In walks Claire G., Yoga Flow instructor and positive-energy-radiator. God bless you, Claire G. She leads the class first through some mild stretching, then Hatha Vinyasa, with conscious breathing and mindfulness of thought processing.
For all the sporadic “yogis” out there, Yoga Flow will suit your needs perfectly.
Claire G. is a senior at Seattle U, pursuing degrees in Environmental Studies and Philosophy. She first experienced yoga at a young age with her dad, and has been teaching classes for students, staff and varsity athletes since 2012. She is inspired by her students and fellow teachers, and is excited to continue to learn and share her love of yoga this year at the Eisiminger Fitness Center. Claire teaches a Hatha Vinyasa style of yoga, which blends breath work with stationary poses through movement.
Anyone who’s ever done yoga can agree that it is liberating in every sense of the word. Practicing yoga provides your body newfound flexibility and agility, frees your mind by aiding in the fluidity of your thoughts and renews your spirit to one of peace. I attended Yoga Flow to relax and reinvigorate after a long and stressful week. I recommend it to any and all looking to improve their flexibility and overall state of being. Yoga Flow is most beneficial to those hoping to recharge after finals and begin their summer at ease. A summer schedule for students remaining on campus will be available to the public the first week of June.
Sheldon Costa
If you’re anything like me, you like dancing. And, if you’re anything like me, you hate exercise, because it’s boring and horrible and it hurts. Luckily, Seattle U’s group fitness has something just for you: Zumba.
I know, it’s a frightening name. Zoom-ba. What is it? How could it possible help you get those defined abs that you need before summer swings around? Well, in case you haven’t heard, Zumba is a form of exercise focused mostly on dancing and a lot of butt shaking. The hip-heavy mongrel child of hip hop, merengue, and martial arts, the hour-long dance session will leave you partially paralyzed from exhaustion and your own previously unknown sexual appeal.
Now, chances are you might be frightened by the concept of shaking your booty in a room of strangers while someone with the rhythm of one of Beyoncé’s backup dancers calls out encouraging commands, but think of it this way: you’re going to dance no matter what. So if you plan on staying somewhere near Connolly this summer, why not shed some weight while you’re doing it? Zumba has all the physical benefits of visiting your favorite club, without the middle-aged dude who keeps trying to grab your waist and smells like corn mixed with gasoline, and Seattle U will most likely be offering a small selection of Zumba classes over the summer months. Get your groove on.