Tacos De La Noche
Being inside of a bar limits the customer basis for this spot. For those over 21 y/o, this is a great addition to Seattle’s bar and nightlife. Luckily though, for those under the age, UberEats, Postmates, and similar apps do deliver. Being that it’s so close to campus, located at 14th and Madison, the delivery charge is low and the food gets to campus pretty quickly.
Being a street style taco, there isn’t much to go wrong. I ordered the pork and steak tacos, and was perfectly happy with both.
The obvious comparison for me is Rancho Bravo. In my opinion Rancho Bravo is the better choice, for three reasons: they’re tacos are better, the food is more budget friendly, and they are open to all ages late into the night.
I feel that the best way to test a taco place is to buy the most classic version that they have. Usually tacos are good when you try the fancy ones, but the original tacos is where the real test is at, at least for me. The tacos at Tacos De La Noche were decent. I had a chorizo taco with everything on it, and it was not disappointing, but it did not go beyond that either. At $5 it wasn’t too cheap either, but it’s not like I regret it. The place is also inside a bar, so you can’t access it if you’re underage. To give this place a try we had to get it delivered, but the reviews online are all pretty good. I would recommend people give it a try and see how they like it.
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