Seattle University's student newspaper since 1933

The Spectator

Seattle University's student newspaper since 1933

The Spectator

Seattle University's student newspaper since 1933

The Spectator

About Us

The Spectator has served as Seattle University’s student newspaper since 1933. New editions hit the stands every Wednesday and articles are posted online on the same day. Full staff meetings are held every Monday night at 7:00 p.m. in The Spectator office⁠—located in the basement of Campion Hall next to The Cave. All students are welcome to come to these meetings and join The Spectator.


The Spectator serves the Seattle University community through its independent journalism. Our newsroom and coverage reflects the diversity of our community as well as the conversations and concerns of our campus. The Spectator is a setting in which students hone and sharpen their skills as they become the next generation of journalists.


To be the primary news source for the Seattle University community and act as a dynamic public forum that accurately reflects the thoughts, concerns and personalities of Seattle University. For each generation of journalists at The Spectator to leave Seattle University in a better place than when they first entered it.



The Spectator is fully independent and wholly student run without exception. The publication asserts complete and total independence and freedom over all that it chooses to publish. It is not an ally to any special interests or organizations.


In its coverage, The Spectator seeks “to tell the truth as nearly as the truth can be ascertained.”


The Spectator serves as a watchdog for the entire campus and will seek out corruption and injustice in all its manifestations on campus. Only through rigorous and exhaustive investigative journalism can the most crucial stories come to light.


We strive to ensure that all students and communities at Seattle U feel they are represented both in our newsroom and in our coverage.


We are dedicated to covering issues that examine social injustice and promote equality, diversity, respect and judiciousness.


We seek to inform and educate the campus community on issues that may otherwise be left unexplored. In our newsroom we are dedicated to educating our employees and helping them become responsible student journalists.